fig tree and dance challenge
(picture by amy)
this is the something good that amy sent me to earn her "axis of oh MY goodness" underwear ensemble. (pictures of the silly but flattering ensemble coming sooooon! really!!)
here's that something good:
"Tonight we walked by the yard of a home with a HUGE fig tree that we have always admired... and have most certainly stolen many a squishy ripe fig. There are so many on the ground, we justify this crime by saying that we are saving them the terror of free-fall. Tonight, the gentle-man, long white dirty beard, who must live there was sitting in the yard, book in hand, wearing, what looked like his boxers and undershirt. Inside the front door, which was open due to the heat of the evening, illuminated by dim light, there were piles & piles of paperbags filled with who knows what; filling up the foyer and living room leaving just a walking path to what was probably the kitchen. In a split second, I got a [mental] snapshot of this man. I wondered if he knew we stole figs, and wondered if there were wishes inside those bags. I wish we don't get caught... Maybe bills, or newspaper clippings of horrid events. I like to think that this man reads poetry in his underwear in the twilight hours, eating figs and gathering wishes as they tumble down the alley."
on a different note!
i've sent out a dance challenge to my dancing buddies. here are the details:
all you have to do is dance.
10 minutes. anytime of day or night. solo.
starting now through the first day of autumn, september 23rd.
(this is separate from teaching/choreographing. this is inner work for your pleasure.)
if you need a motivation for you dancing, consider:
self care
balance - self and or planetary
rejuvenation or renewal -self and or planet
inner outer peace
dance your passions, prayers and wishes
dance on behalf of someone else who needs it
in your bathroom, living room, studio, kitchen, yard, bedroom, office....
with stereo blasting, i pod programmed or in beautiful silence
....or in best buys...
from now until the first day of autumn...or longer if it delights!
let me know if you can join me! ....or if you already do such!
this is what i danced to this morning. (pink rocks my heart.)
this is the modern dance inspiration that amy sent for the dance challenge: