Thursday, September 11, 2008

kiss of the sun....summer fun

these are a couple pictures from the national sacred dance guild festival at which i taught and performed.
with my cohorts in fun, pictured, anita bondi (PA) and dana lupton (GA), we pulled together a humorous piece called
"ElevaTOR Grrrrlz". kairos came too. this was her 16 week picture.

here are links i loved!
poetry in hospitals. beautiful stuff, awesome program at shands medical center in florida...this is where i trained to do our hospital program which we run at a couple hospitals in seattle and one care center on vashon.
i'm about to get my girlfriend to cut my locks to give to kids with cancer. just need 10 inches..i've got way more than that and i need a new look anyway!
dance, earth, our body, planetary body
absolutely inspiring talk about kids using technology to teach each other! check it out!
loved this sacred music with a twisted twist of jazz and improv


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